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Using HTML Newsletters Tips

Read these 8 Using HTML Newsletters Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Newsletter tips and hundreds of other topics.

Using HTML Newsletters Tips has been rated 3.1 out of 5 based on 421 ratings and 1 user reviews.
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How Big Should HTML Emails Be?

Wonder how wide your HTML emails should be? "Full width means they expand with your reader's email client. Use full width only when your email newsletter format will look good in both 800x600 resolution monitors and 1600x1200 or greater monitors. Typically, HTML newsletters that are made to look like plain text newsletters are the best type to use this format.

HTML emails, HTML enewsletter, HTML newsletter, HTML email newsletter

Branding in Your HTML Newsletter

Promote your business through your newsletters. Does the HTML email newsletter you send out build and strengthen your brand identity? The email design should ideally coordinate well with your current stationery (letterhead, business cards etc.). In addition, any catch phrases or slogans should be readily apparent in the newsletter. Don't overdo it, but do make sure your branding is enforced.

HTML emails, HTML enewsletter, HTML newsletter, HTML email newsletter

Topics For Your HTML Newsletter

If you are ever stuck on what to write for yourHTML newsletter, try this trick. Over the course of time, keep a file or a notebook of potential topics. During a slow news month, refer to this list. Pull out a topic that you think you can write (or hire someone to write) quickly. Having a store of topics will keep you out of danger of running out of material.

HTML emails, HTML enewsletter, HTML newsletter, HTML email newsletter

Getting People to Subscribe

The easiest way to get subscribers to your HTML newsletter is to ask them. Sounds silly, but it's true. Generate a mail that gets them interested. Perhaps add a funny cartoon or animation. Explain why your newsletter is beneficial to them. Remind them that all they need to do is provide you with their email address and you will do the rest!

HTML emails, HTML enewsletter, HTML newsletter, HTML email newsletter

Your POV in HTML

Maintain a consistent point of view in your newsletter. Not just one, but all of them. HTML looks great on the screen and may lure you toward doing new and fun things with the technology. Stick to your template and the voice/tone you've chosen for your newsletter. In the long run this will improve reader loyalty.

HTML emails, HTML enewsletter, HTML newsletter, HTML email newsletter

Copy in Your Newsletter

As much as possible, keep the text short. Roughly three-four lines per section. Keep in mind that surfers are inundated with email these days and attention spans are short.

HTML emails, HTML enewsletter, HTML newsletter, HTML email newsletter

Graphics in HTML

You can embed graphics into your newsletter, or link to a Web page with your graphics. Embedding means that the graphics will show up and your viewer doesn't need a connection to the Internet to view them; on the down side, embedding graphics will increase the file size of the newsletter.

HTML emails, HTML enewsletter, HTML newsletter, HTML email newsletter

The Importance of Subheads

Your HTML enewsletter's subheading is a vital part of your document. A subheading is a succinct, consistent phrase located near the top that explains who the newsletter is for and what it's all about. Subheads help to orient your readers, relieving them of the burden of remembering what your publication covers each time it arrives in their in-box.

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Kristle Jones