So, you've made the decision to have business cards printed. Now, it's time to think of all the ways your contacts can reach you. Here's a checklist so you don't leave anything out--all items are optional!
1) Your name
2) Your title (make one up if you want to include one)
3) Your company name (may include a descriptive tag line)
4) Your company logo (corporate identity)
5) Your phone number (include an 800 number, if you have one)
6) Your fax number
7) Your address (include mailing and shipping addresses if you have both)
8) Your email address
9) Your web address (if your primary business is a website)
10) Any other numbers where you can be reached including cell phones and pagers
Where can I find free newsletter templates?
Is the front page of my newsletter important?
How can I create a good first impression?
Where should I put my best articles and pictures?
What is the definition of a head, heading or headline?
How do I choose a name for my newsletter?
What is the definition of format?
How can I gain extra readability?
Is there a list of movies about newspapers and journalism?
What is the definition of masthead?
Are there some common words I can use in the newsletter title?
How do I get people to read my newsletter?
Is it important to be consistent with the use of color?
How can I get readers to read my newsletter?
How should I present a list of activities in my newsletter?
How do I keep track of the volume number and issue number?
How can I use type sizes to make my newsletter look coherent?
What tools can I use to crop photos?
Should I use a commercial printer for my newsletter?
Where can I find ideas for color combinations?
Where can I find free artwork and illustrations?
What kind of newsletter content can I use that is newsworthy?
How can I boost morale and retain readership?
What are the two most common types of art in a newsletter?
Where can I find free content for my web site or newsletter?
How can I turn editing into a learning experience for writers?
What should I do before I begin to design my newsletter?
How can I avoid sexist stereotyping in my writing?
How can I meet my publication deadline?
Where can I find free visual basic code?
What is the definition of nameplate?
Can I change a misspelled word on the original manuscript?
Does quantity affect my choice of printing methods?
How can I remember newsletter production specifications?
Should I just wait for news to come to me?
What things do I need to tell my printer about my newsletter?
Is it helpful to be able to visualize my finished newsletter?
Where can I find graphic design help?
Should I spell out numbers if they begin a sentence?
How can I open a new window in my link code to other web sites?
How can I typeset a headline in an emergency?
What are the different categories for pronouns?
Should I repeat the same word several times within one article?
Is it appropriate to completely rewrite someone elseīs news article?
Is it important for me to know paper sizes?
What is a byline and where does it go?
What is a mimeograph machine and how does it work?
What is a sans-serif typeface?
Is it necessary to check the facts in a news story before printing it?
How do I write a good headline?
What is the definition of logotype or logo?
Where can I find free newsletter templates?
What can I use to hold down my copy?
What is the definition of pica?
How can I make my heading less ordinary?
What is a non-repro blue pen or pencil?
How can I improve the subject matter of a photograph?
What is the definition of a kicker?
What is the definition of layout?
How can I determine if I have left out a word when proofreading?
Where did the word news come from?
What information should I include on the front page of my newsletter?
When was the first newsletter published?
Should I consider sending out a wedding newsletter?
Should I add lots of graphics and photos to my newsletter?
What is the definition of text?
Where can I find help writing articles for my church newsletter?
What is the definition of alteration?
Can I charge my customer for alterations?
Should I use single or double quote marks in headline copy?
What is a three-column format?
Is there a variation of the two-column format?
How many pages should my newsletter be?
What is the definition of a dummy?
Should I use wax to paste-up type and graphics?
Should I use a glue stick to paste-up type and graphics?
Should I use tape to paste-up type and graphics?
How can I organize my clip art?
How should I use color in my newsletter?
How can I get a write to add missing facts to an article?
What are some of the most common software programs for page layout?
How can I achieve contrast using typefaces?
What is the definition of a dagger?
How can I create an awareness in my subscribers?
How often should I publish my newsletter?
What tool can I use to help secure my paste-ups?
Is there an alternative to buying a light table for paste-up?
How can I design an efficient newsletter?
How do I decide on a color combination?
What is editorial policy and why is it important?
Should I use all caps in the text of my newsletter?
Is it okay to incorporate design ideas from other publications?
What is the definition of a blowup?
What guidelines should I follow to write a good headline?
What can I do to insure interesting photographs in my newsletter?
Where can I find free resources for newsletter filler?
How can I present statistical information to readers?
What is a narrow column format?
Should I proofread my newsletter from a hard copy proof?
Should I proofread my newsletter from the computer screen?
How many typefaces can be found within a typefont family?
What is the easiest way to compose a headline?
What basic information should I include on a business card?
Where can I get free business cards?
What is the definition of leading?
How can I uncurl a photograph?
How should I prepare for an interview?
Can I use contractions in my newsletter articles?
Is there a way to save money if I want to print two colors?
How can I get clean edges on my photo when printed?
What is a decorative typeface?
Should I use numbers like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. when typing dates?
Should I use first, second, third, fourth, etc. when typing dates?
What will attract a readerīs attention?
Where can I find ink color samples?
How can I get my readers to understand what I am describing?
How can I obtain the recycling icon for printing on recycled paper?
What is the best color of paper to use for printing my newsletter?
Should I use a quick printer for my newsletter?
What is the most practical method of proofreading by myself?
How do I know if my artwork is the best quality available?
Is there a site for free webmaster tools?
What can I do if the subject in my photo is facing the wrong way?
How do I write a Letter to the Editor?
What is the definition of camera-ready?
How many times should I proofread my newsletter copy?
Where can I find help with proofreading?
Is there a free search engine for USA products and services?
What is the definition of a gutter or an alley?
What does writing on spec. mean?
How can I make the newsletter less work?
What is the definition of ascender?
Should I write in present tense?
Should I write in future tense?
Should I spell out numbers one through ten?
Should I use transparent tape to paste up my newsletter?
How can I get straight lines when applying border tapes?
Is it okay to print a photo that is slightly blurry?
Is it okay to print a photo that is slightly out of focus?
Can I change grammatical errors from the original manuscript?
Should I plan ahead for the next issue of my newsletter?
Should I use double-sided tape for paste-ups?
How can I make an emergency repair to typed body copy?
What is the definition of a hickey?
How can I determine if there is an audience for my newsletter?
What are the three main types of logo design?
Is there a good source for ideas for news articles?
What information should I include with my photo for the printer?
Do I have to have prints made when I have a roll of film developed?
What tool can I use to position small pieces of type?
What does boldface or bold type refer to?
What is the best style X-acto knife to purchase?
What is the UKīs largest online marketing and content portal?
Can I just paste type corrections over the top of the original copy?
Can I hand-deliver my newsletter in U.S. mail boxes?
Should I remain stationary to take photos at an event?
How can I type bullets on a standard typewriter?
Should I use the two-person method to proofread text?
How can I understand proportion?
What is the definition of brochure?
What is the definition of a duotone?
What should I remember when designing my logo?
In what condition should I deliver my final copy to the printer?
Where can I find a good printer for my newsletter?
How do I use a proportional dial?
What is the definition of kerning?
Should I stick to only one marketing strategy?
Should I use a plastic or metal ruler in paste-up?
How should I type the postage paid information on my newsletter?
How can I get variety in my photographs?
Where can I find online information about search engine optimization?
What is the definition of letterspacing?
What is the definition of point?
Is there anything I should do after my newsletter is published?
Who is William Randolph Hearst?
How can I draw good, clean lines with a Rapidograph pen?
What is the definition of vignette technique?
What are paper (electrostatic) or plastic plates used in printing?
What tool can I use to square up elements on my paste-up?
How can I publish my church newsletter online or in an email?
Should I find out who my audience is?
What is the definition of silhouette technique?
Is there a free internet directory of independent writers and artists?
What is the definition of a descender?
What is the definition of x-height?
What is the definition of a platemaker?
Can I produce a newsletter without a computer?
How can I typeset a newsletter without a computer?
Should I use surgical knives for cutting in paste-up work?
What is the definition of kiss or butt?
What is a copy machine and how does it work?
What does italic type refer to?
What is the definition of expanded type?
what are some of the things that i have to consider before establishing a newsletter?
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