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Newletters: Subscribing to a newsletter

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How do I sign up to get LifeTips newsletters?

Newletters: Subscribing to a newsletter

Subscribing to any newsletter online is a simple task and takes only a few minutes. On you can subscribe to a specific newsletter matching your interest. For example, if you are interested in canopies and tents and everything that you need to know about purchasing or adding accessories, search for "canopy" and go to that tip site. About half way down on the information bar on the left you'll see a "subscribe" button and a place to type in your email. Once you have put that in you'll be taken to another screen to enter in particular information about you. Fill it all in. The next screen gives you a few options for other tip lines. Make those decisions, hit "sign me up" and you are done. You just wait for the tips to come right to you in your inbox.
Newsletters on all websites are similar to this and it is fairly simple to sign up.



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